Clicking on the caregiver's card will bring you to the caregiver's information page. on the caregivers, dashboard click on the calendar to be taken to the calendar. Here you can view the caregivers schedule and what appointments they have scheduled. 

On the top bar above the calendar, you can view by either day, week or month. you can also view today's calendar by clicking on the today tab at the top right.

To add a new visit click on the 'New Visit" tab at the top right. This will pop up the new visit window. From here input the correct information for a new visit and click save when finished. To create a more detailed visit, click on the show more options button at the bottom of the new visit pop up window.  

In the more options page, here you can select what client will be attending the visit if there will be repeat visits and the option to decide what caregiver to assign to the visit. When you are finished creating the new visit click on the "Schedule" button at the top right.