Welcome to the caregiver tool. Here is where you can select, edit and add new caregivers. This section holds all your caregiver's information in a safe and secure manner, as well as their location, information and contact details.

First, you will notice that there is a list of caregivers laid out in cards like the one below.

These cards provide the caregiver's name, phone number, address and times available. These act as a general introduction to the caregiver and all the information can be used to search through your caregivers. Upon clicking on the caregiver's card, you will be redirected to the caregiver dashboard in which you can access all of your caregiver's information. This includes your caregiver's profile, match criteria, phone numbers, locations, languages, and skills & experience. 

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Services' tab, which shows potential services for the caregiver: 

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Private Notes' tab, which shows the caregivers private notes:

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Progress Notes' tab, which shows the caregivers progress notes: 

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Calendar' tab, which shows the caregivers calendar schedule: 

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Availability' tab, which shows the caregivers availability: 

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Education' tab, which shows the caregivers education & certifications: 

The next tab on the dashboard is the 'Employment History' tab, which shows what the caregiver's employment history: