This is the company's payroll page. To access this page, click on the Alaunus app menu and find 'accounting'. Once on the accounting dashboard, find 'payroll' and you will be redirected to the page above. The payroll page displays all current and registered employees of the organization, listing their visits, hours and services.

The date bar at the top left corner of the screen shows the specified time period to view the list of employees, their visits and hours during that period. To change the time period, simply open the filter menu and pick an option on the "Payroll Run" sub-session.

Options range from the start of that very day to the past year. Once set, click on the "Filter" button at the bottom of the menu and the page should update the list of employees and their information for that set time period.

Clicking on an employee redirects you to a page with more details about that employee's visits. On that page, you will be able to view the employee's client, location, date, service provided and hours put into that visit. 

Clicking on an employee redirects you to a page with more details about that employee's visits. On that page, you will be able to view the employee's client, location, date, service provided and hours put into that visit. Also, you will be able to edit the employee's payroll. Below that you will find an 'add adjustments' tab. This pulls down a window where you can alter employee hours if need be. Once these changes have been made, click save and the adjustments should take effect.