To search for a client, first, ensure you are on the client page before doing this
Click on the white search bar and type in the client's name, then click search. All clients that have the name that was searched will appear as results. For example, by searching for "ale", you get the following result:
In order to undo the search, just click on the clear button:
You can also use the filter to search for clients. Click on the filter button next to the white bar at the top of the client page and a filter window will popup.
Set desired filters by selecting an answer to various questions. You can set anything from 0 to all filters depending on how specific you wish to be. Once your desired filters have been set, click 'filter' at the bottom of the filter window and your client page will get updated in accordance with your filters. For example, let's filter the clients that were born from 1985 to 1995:
To close the filter window, click on the filter button again at the top of your screen and that will immediately close the filter window.
In order to clear the filter, just open the filter window again and click on Clear: